Sivagiri Hill, the sacred place of Mahasamadhi Mandiram of the Great Guru Sree Narayana Guru Devan. During the year 1080 ME Gurudev appeared at Varkala. Because of the natural beauty of the hill and springs and waterfalls at the surrounding area, Gurudev named the holy place as Sivagiri otherwise known as ‘Kailas’. The Sivagiri hills consisted of 5 acres and 99 cents in Varkala village survey No. 3414. The striking personality and divine power of the great guru had spread widely even at Government level.
Sree Narayana Gurudev was a Great Saint, Social Reformer, Philosopher and Revolutionary humanist and his life and teachings have transgressed the boundaries of not only India but also the world. His teachings and preachings have great contemporary relevance in the context of our efforts to promote social justice. Guru is considered as one of the INCARNATIONS OF GOD in India during the 19th Century. Let us see the narration of the Theosophical Society made in September 1928.
“ During recent centuries no one in India has engaged so much reverence as Sree Narayana Gurudev commanded, a reverence so religious, so enduring, so comprehensive, so universal and so pure. Like the sun, by mere presence, he spread his light and love. His life or renunciation has shown to numerous people the secret of the path of dedicated service or Karma Yoga. Rishi Narayana who has awakened Kerala, Pathanjali in Yoga, Sankara in wisdom, Manu in the art of Government, Budha in Renunciation, Muhamed in strength of Spirit and Christ in Humility, after 72 years spent in the drama of human life has gone to whence he came. For future generations he will be one of the divine personalities among the incarnations of God and the super human beings of Indias religious lore”.
Sivagiri Hill, the sacred place of Mahasamadhi Mandiram of the Great Guru Sree Narayana Guru Devan. During the year 1080 ME Gurudev appeared at Varkala. Because of the natural beauty of the hill and springs and waterfalls at the surrounding area, Gurudev named the holy place as Sivagiri otherwise known as ‘Kailas’. The Sivagiri hills consisted of 5 acres and 99 cents in Varkala village survey No. 3414. The striking personality and divine power of the great guru had spread widely even at Government level.
he physical remains of the great Gurudev is entombed on the peak of Sivagiri Hill.Today this magnificent Sepulchre stands as a symbol of the Guru’s philosophy and the distinctive identification mark of Sivagiri.
The Goddess of knowledge and wisdom, Mother Goddess Sri Sharadamba was installed at Sivagiri Saradamutt on 1st May 1912 (M. E. 1087 Medam18).
This was the permanent abode of the Guru.
The Sepulchre of Swami Bodhananda Swami Bodhananda was the most prominent disciple of the Guru who was announced as the successor
A great school for the teaching of all religions was the vision of Gurudev which has taken the form of Brahmavidyalaya at Sivagiri.
Guru Dharma Pracharana Sabha This is a tributary organisation to Sivagiri Mutt.
The Guest House is meant for the comfortable stay of the devotees who reach Sivagiri.
Parnasala (Hermitage) The Parnasala is the main prayer hall at Sivagiri. Homam and other vedic rituals are performed here. The day at Sivagiri starts with the early morning prayer at the Parnasala at 4.30 a.m.