
Sarada Mutt
The Goddess of knowledge and wisdom, Mother Goddess Sri Sharadamba was installed at Sivagiri Saradamutt on 1st May 1912 (M. E. 1087 Medam18). Sri Sharadamba, the supreme patron goddess of all fine arts and education , carrying a bird , a book, a pot full of nectar, and chinmudra (the symbol of salvation), in her four hands, is seated on a fullblown lotus flower. The temple is a beautiful structure, octagonal in shape, with walls pure white in colour, and windows panelled with dark blue glass. The structure is enclosed in a circular half- wall, with white sand spread on the space between the temple and the half-wall. This whole structure, with a special stage for prayers in front of it, renders a special splendour and attraction to the ambience. Devotees assemble on the stage and spend time in prayers, recitations and meditation. This is an ideal spot for marriages, first rice feeding of babies and initiation to education for children.