Aruvippuram Shiva Temple


Aruvippuram the banks of neyyar river in Neyyattinkara, Trivandrum District is the birthplace or center point of the Revolution of India the thirst of worship, the freedom of worship, or the right of worship, revolution or renaissance movement without fight, force, or violence very calm and quietly done by Gurdevan. It was the first revoloutionary movement in the history of India.

At that time the right of worship belongs to the Savarnas, and avarnas are restricted to worship they can’t enter the temple. In 1888 a fortunate and sacred day of Sivarathri, Gurudevan drowned the deepest part of Neyyar River known by the name Sankaran Kuzhi after a long time swamy appeared with a Sivalinga holding with both hands near to chest and Gurudevn proceeded towards the temple accompanied by the devotees, after the meditation Swamy installed the prathishta. Kumaran Asan describing his unfinished biography of Gurudevn “At midnight of Sivarathri, Swami took a dip in the river, rose after a long time with a piece of stone in the shape of a sivalinga, and he walked into the makeshift temple. He stood ideal with sivalinga three hours motionless close his eyes  in deep meditation holding sivalinga, tears flowing down his cheeks, , while the crowd rent the midnight air with the chant of Panchakshari manthra “OM NAMA SIVAYAH”….At 3’o clock swami installed the Prathishta.

Gurudevan with his first consecration he gave the world a simple message Sanatana Darma belonged to every one, the freedom of worship and supremacy of Castisam
Gurudevan rights in the temple
Jaathibhetham mathadevesham
Ethumillathe Sarvarum
Sodarthvena Vazhunna
Mathruka Sthanamanithu”

Translation is difficult for the great golden words
Without the boundaries or dividing walls of religion
And caste every one will live in as brotherhood and
Make it as ideal place of domicile.

Location of Aruvippuram Siva Temple
Aruvippuram Siva Temple located in Neyyattinkara, 24 kilometers from Trivandrum district. It is one of the important pilgrim centers, Temple of Lord Siva is built by Gurudevan in AD 1888 one sivarathri day.